Модератор форума: GUNNER161, Panikaha |
Форум РЕДАКТОР - ArmA 3 Аддоны и карты Проблемы с конфигом танка (Аддон о Второй мировой войне) |
Проблемы с конфигом танка |
› Понедельник
› 30.03.2015
› 19:28
› Сообщение #
Здравствуйте. Я делаю аддон о Второй мировой войне, конкретно сейчас - о лете 1943 года (пишу Вторая мировая потому что хотелось бы сделать не только о Великой Отечественной, но и о других ТВД).
Сначала начал заниматься танками, взял модель танка Т-70 (не моя модель), начал делать конфиг по БИСовому Tank template. Вроде бы более-менее разобрался что да как (но не уверен, поэтому и спрашиваю). Запаковал, но при запуске игры пишет "T_70 undefined base class",ошибка в конфиге (наверное), пробовал исправить, но не получается. Если бы кто смог помочь (наверное нубская ошибка конечно ![]() Вот CfgVehicles Спойлер/* Vehicle classes */class CfgVehicles { /* A3 DEFAULT INHERITANCE TREE START */ // Do not modify the inheritance tree, unless you want to alter game's internal configs, or REALLY know what you're doing. class LandVehicle; class Tank: LandVehicle { class NewTurret; class Sounds; class HitPoints; }; class Tank_F: Tank { class Turrets { class MainTurret:NewTurret { class Turrets { class CommanderOptics; }; }; }; class AnimationSources; class ViewPilot; class ViewOptics; class ViewCargo; class HeadLimits; class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHull; class HitEngine; class HitLTrack; class HitRTrack; }; class Sounds: Sounds { class Engine; class Movement; }; }; /* A3 DEFAULT INHERITANCE TREE END */ /* Base class */ // Include as many unique defines and classes common for all your vehicle classes as possible. class T_70: T_70 { // Basic defines: vehicle class in editor, name displayed, knowledge required to recognize this type of target vehicleClass = "Tank"; displayName = "T-70"; accuracy = 0.3; // Model and look defines: paths to model, squad picture and map icon model = "T-70\T70"; picture = "\A3\armor_f_gamma\MBT_02\Data\UI\MBT_02_Base_ca.paa"; icon = "\A3\armor_f_gamma\MBT_02\Data\UI\map_MBT_02_ca.paa"; // #include "sounds.hpp" // not covered by this tutorial #include "physx.hpp" // AI references cost = 1500000; damageResistance = 0.02; crewVulnerable = false; // Damage setup armor = 250; armorStructural = 6; // Two hulls of same type should take same amount of damage. Use armorStructural to counter the effect of vehicle size on its armor. // Weak spots parameters // name: selection in HitPoints LOD - create selections first! // radius: radius of weak spot spheres generated around vertices in HitPoints LOD, tweak before armor // armor: multiplier of total vehicle armor required to destroy given component, tweak after radius // explosionShielding: multiplier of damage caused by explosive rounds, tweak after armor // minimalHit: minimum hit required to receive damage, tweak after explosionSielding // passThrough: how much damage is passed to total vehicle damage // visual: section in Resource LODs and CfgModels section of model.cfg // material: unneeded, leave at -1 // The values are sample. Every vehicle needs to be finetuned separately. class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHull: HitHull { // Handle internal damage armor=0.8; material=-1; name="telo"; visual="zbytek"; passThrough=1; minimalHit = 0.14; explosionShielding = 2.0; radius = 0.25; }; class HitEngine: HitEngine { armor=1; material=-1; name="motor"; passThrough=0.8; minimalHit = 0.24; explosionShielding = 1; radius = 0.33; }; class HitLTrack: HitLTrack { armor=0.5; material=-1; name="pas_L"; passThrough=0; minimalHit = 0.08; explosionShielding = 1.44; radius = 0.3; }; class HitRTrack: HitRTrack { armor=0.5; material=-1; name="pas_P"; passThrough=0; minimalHit = 0.08; explosionShielding = 1.44; radius = 0.3; }; }; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { class Turrets: Turrets { class CommanderOptics: CommanderOptics { // Animation class body = "obsTurret"; // Animation source animationSourceBody = "obsTurret"; // Servos maxHorizontalRotSpeed = 1.8; // 1 = 45°/sec maxVerticalRotSpeed = 1.8; // 1 = 45°/sec stabilizedInAxes = StabilizedInAxesBoth; soundServo[]= {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\noises\servo_best", db-40, 1.0,50}; minElev=-05; maxElev=+60; initElev=0; minTurn=-360; maxTurn=+360; initTurn=0; // Weapon and magazines // FCS turretInfoType = "RscWeaponRangeZeroing"; discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 2; // Optics view memoryPointGunnerOutOptics = "commanderview"; memoryPointGunnerOptics= "commanderview"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\weapons_f\reticle\Optics_Commander_02_F"; gunnerOutOpticsModel = ""; // leave "" to disable optics view gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {}; // post processing effets gunnerHasFlares = 1; // flare visual effect when looking at light source class ViewOptics: ViewOptics { initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-30; maxAngleX=+30; initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-100; maxAngleY=+100; // Field of view values: 1 = 120° initFov=0.155; minFov=0.034; maxFov=0.155; visionMode[] = {"Normal"}; thermalMode[] = {0,1}; }; // Gunner operations gunnerAction = mbt2_slot2b_out; gunnerInAction = mbt2_slot2b_in; gunnerGetInAction = GetInHigh; gunnerGetOutAction = GetOutHigh; startEngine = 0; // Turning this turret should not turn engine on. viewGunnerInExternal = 1; // Needed to make gunner possible to be killed with penetrating rounds. outGunnerMayFire = 1; // Turn off to make player able to look around freely outside optics view. inGunnerMayFire = 1; // Turn off to make player able to look around freely outside optics view. class HitPoints { class HitTurret { armor = 0.3; material = -1; name = "vezVelitele"; visual="vezVelitele"; passThrough = 0; minimalHit = 0.03; explosionShielding = 0.6; radius = 0.25; }; class HitGun { armor = 0.3; material = -1; name = "zbranVelitele"; visual="zbranVelitele"; passThrough = 0; minimalHit = 0.03; explosionShielding = 0.6; radius = 0.25; }; }; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh3"; }; }; // Coaxial gun memoryPointGun = "usti hlavne2"; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh2"; // Main gun gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; // Weapons and magazines weapons[]={cannon_45mm_20K,DT_MG}; magazines[]={30Rnd_45mm_AP_shells_B240, 40Rnd_45mm_HE_shells_O240, 945Rnd_762x54_belt}; // Turret servos minElev=-5; maxElev=+20; initElev=10; soundServo[]= {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\noises\servo_best", db-40, 1.0,50}; // FCS turretInfoType = "RscWeaponRangeZeroing"; discreteDistance[] = { 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800, 900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600, 1700,1800,1900,2000,2100,2200,2300,2400 }; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 5; // start at 600 meters // Optics view memoryPointGunnerOptics= "gunnerview"; gunnerOutOpticsModel = ""; gunnerOutOpticsEffect[] = {}; gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {}; gunnerForceOptics = 1; // Field of view values: 1 = 120° class OpticsIn { class Wide: ViewOptics { initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-30; maxAngleX=+30; initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-100; maxAngleY=+100; initFov=0.3; minFov=0.3; maxFov=0.3; visionMode[] = {"Normal","Ti"}; thermalMode[] = {4,5}; //red hot chilli gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F\Reticle\Optics_Gunner_MTB_02_w_F.p3d"; gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {}; }; class Medium: Wide { gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F\Reticle\Optics_Gunner_MTB_02_m_F.p3d"; initFov=0.07; minFov=0.07; maxFov=0.07; }; class Narrow: Wide { gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F\Reticle\Optics_Gunner_MTB_02_n_F.p3d"; initFov=0.028; minFov=0.028; maxFov=0.028; }; }; // Gunner operations and animations gunnerAction = mbt2_slot2a_out; gunnerInAction = mbt2_slot2a_in; forceHideGunner = 0; inGunnerMayFire = 1; // set to 0 to let gunner look around the internal compartment if modeled viewGunnerInExternal = 1; // Needed to make gunner possible to be killed with penetrating rounds. class HitPoints { class HitTurret { armor = 0.8; material = -1; name = "vez"; visual="vez"; passThrough = 0; minimalHit = 0.02; explosionShielding = 0.3; radius = 0.25; }; class HitGun { armor = 0.3; material = -1; name = "zbran"; visual=""; passThrough = 0; minimalHit = 0; explosionShielding = 1; radius = 0.25; }; }; }; }; /* RETEXTURABILITY */ /* hiddenSelections[] ={"Camo1","Camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"T-70\data\T70_CO.paa"}; */ class AnimationSources : AnimationSources { class muzzle_rot_cannon {source = "ammorandom"; weapon = "cannon_120mm";}; class muzzle_rot_coax {source = "ammorandom"; weapon = "LMG_M200";}; class recoil_source {source = "reload"; weapon = "cannon_120mm";}; }; // Damage textures - for sections: zbytek, vez, zbran, vezVelitele, zbranVelitele, class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = { "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_damage.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_destruct.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_body.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_body_damage.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_body_destruct.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_tracks.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_tracks_damage.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_tracks_destruct.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_turret.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_turret_damage.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_turret_destruct.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_01\Data\MBT_01_scorcher.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_01\Data\MBT_01_scorcher_damage.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_01\Data\MBT_01_scorcher_destruct.rvmat" }; }; class ViewOptics: ViewOptics { visionMode[] = {"Normal"}; }; class Exhausts { class Exhaust1 { position = "exhaust"; direction = "exhaust_dir"; effect = "ExhaustEffectTankBack"; }; }; /* Faction variants */ class T_70: T_70_base { // Basic defines:knowledge required to recognize this type of target accuracy = 0.5; // Faction defines: side ID, faction class, crew, typical cargo side = 1; faction = "BIS_Tutorial"; crew = "B_crew_F"; typicalCargo[] = {"B_crew_F"}; }; /* Public class */ class T_70: T_70_base { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 0; // 2 means available from Zeus, whereas 0 means hidden // Editor displayname accuracy = 1000; // accuracy > 4 is not possible to be fully recognized during game displayName = "T-70"; // due to above will show only in editor };}; Заранее спасибо. Добавлено (30.03.2015, 13:06) Добавлено (30.03.2015, 19:28) |
› Вторник
› 31.03.2015
› 17:05
› Сообщение #
в 39 строке вместо class T_70: T_70 пропиши class T_70: Tank_F должно заработать. Хотя кажется с 353 строки по 370 лишнии.
› Вторник
› 31.03.2015
› 18:36
› Сообщение #
Спасибо, помогло, теперь игра запускается. Но в игре всё равно танка нет, при входе в игру и в редакторе пишет "No entry /bin/config.bin/cfgVehicles/complexGearbox.scope".
› Вторник
› 31.03.2015
› 23:50
› Сообщение #
Попробуй после 39 строки вставить такой параметр scope = 2;
› Среда
› 01.04.2015
› 12:25
› Сообщение #
› Среда
› 01.04.2015
› 16:06
› Сообщение #
В 39 строке переименуй T_70 в T_70_base
Если удалял строки с 353 строки по 370 то вставь туда это Код /* Faction variants */ class T_70_base_ed: T_70_base { // Basic defines:knowledge required to recognize this type of target accuracy = 0.5; // Faction defines: side ID, faction class, crew, typical cargo side = 1; faction = "BIS_Tutorial"; crew = "B_crew_F"; typicalCargo[] = {"B_crew_F"}; }; /* Public class */ class T_70_ed: T_70_base { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 0; // 2 means available from Zeus, whereas 0 means hidden // Editor displayname accuracy = 1000; // accuracy > 4 is not possible to be fully recognized during game displayName = "T-70"; // due to above will show only in editor };если не удалял то переименуй классы как выше. |
› Среда
› 01.04.2015
› 17:17
› Сообщение #
Не помогло, теперь игра опять не запускается, пишет "T_70_base.T_70_base_ed: Undefined base class 'T_70_base'.
› Среда
› 01.04.2015
› 20:36
› Сообщение #
После 348 строки поставь закрывающие скобки };
Если в файле CfgVehicleClasses нечего не менял то техника находится в в синей стороне во фракции BIS Tutorial. |
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